弱冠20歳の天才ピアニストJamael Deanの自由度の高いイントロダクション、ロマンチックな(Liv).e(リヴって読むよ)と、ニューエイジの風を吹かせるCharles Dittoで身を揺らし、広島在住のMeitei(冥丁)の新譜「古風」からお気に入りの1曲「花魁 II」を。
20-year-old genius pianist Jamael Dean's freely introduction,Swaying with the romantic (Liv) .e songs and Charles Ditto's New Age wind.
"Oiran II" from the new LP "Kofū" by Meitei from Hiroshima is one of my favorite songs.
友人のレーベル〈flau〉からリリースされたばかりのMadeggこと小松くんの新曲から、オールディーズのような現行バンドCindy Lee(曲名はなぜか「Heavy Metal」)で白昼夢へ。
70年代のモジュラー&ムーグ専門のMortおじさんの後は、良質な音源の再発を多く手がける〈Numero Group〉より。(針飛びごめん🙇♀️)
From a new song by Kazumichi Komatsu aka Madegg, which was just released on his friend's label 〈flau〉.
Into a daydream with the current band Cindy Lee (song title is "Heavy Metal" for some reason) like oldies.
"Mr. #Modular and #Moog " in the 70's, And then from rabel 〈Numero Group〉, who handles many recurrences of high-quality sound sources. (Sorry for the needle jumping🙇♂️)
今回絶対かけたかったTommy Mandel(こういうあったか〜い電子音、大好き!)、最近気になるUKのレーベル〈Wisdom Teeth〉(訳:親知らず)から「Timekeeper」をスクリューダウンして、去年出会ったジャパニーズサイケデリア『溶け出したガラス箱』(と読むの)へ浮遊。
In this time, I definitely wanted to play Tommy Mandel's this song. (I love this kind of warm electronic sound!)
Screwed down "Timekeeper" from the UK label〈Wisdom Teeth〉that I'm curious about recently, floating to the "TOKEDASHITA-GARASUBAKO", a Japanese psychedelia I met last year.
Then, with an arabic jazz by Fairouz, the atmosphere was instantly moody.
何百時間でも聴けるまどろみのThe Caretakerから、キーを揃えてのKulpowicz & Niemenによるポーランド発のタブラやハープの音色が美しいエスニックな楽曲。(希少なレコードにつきノイズはご了承🙏)
ミステリアスのピークタイムは、ベルリンのBenoit B(ジャケ最高、額縁入れて飾りたい!)と、マリンバやヴィブラフォンのループが美しいSlow Attack Ensemble。
From the slumbering The Caretaker, which you can listen to for hundreds of hours, to the ethnic tunes with beautiful tabla and harp sounds from Poland by Kulpowicz & Niemen in the keys. (Please note the noise on this rare record 🙏)
Peak time for Mysterious is Benoit B from Berlin (lovely jacket, I'd like to have it framed and displayed!) and the Slow Attack Ensemble with their beautiful marimba and vibraphone loops.
私のラジオ番組 on dublab.jp でも取り上げたエジプシャンアーティストNadah El Shazlyの土着的なビートも、Bill Frisell & Vernon Reid の双方の変則的なエレキギターのレイヤーも、コンポーザーTrey Pollardの一際美しいRemix音源の残像で包み込み、Man Rayによるデュシャンの写真のジャケが光るJuanのプリペイドピアノが重なる。すると…(続く)
The indigenous beats of Egyptian artist Nadah El Shazly, who was featured on my radio show on dublab.jp, and the anomalous electric guitar layers of both & Vernon Reid, are wrapped in the remnants of the most beautiful remix of composer Trey Pollard, on the Juan's pre-paid piano with which the jacket of Duchamp's photograph by Man Ray. Then ... (to be continued)
大気圏を超えた後、100もの楽器を演奏できる奇才ミュージシャンLloyd Millerの楽曲と、バンクーバーのレーベル〈Mood Hut〉の「Third Space」のスモーキーでJazzyな時間。
そこへ、Washington Phillipsによるゴスペル系のカントリー・ブルースが流星の如く現れる。
"Humanity goes to the moon."
The other of the three songs played simultaneously is the takeoff sound of Apollo 11. There is a reason for the feeling of weightlessness.
After crossing the atmosphere, Smoky and Jazzy time with Lloyd Miller’s(a genius musician who can play 100 instruments) song , and "Third Space" by Vancouver-based label〈Mood Hut〉, Gospel country blues by Washington Phillips appears there like a meteor.
流星の次にやってきたのは、電子音楽の巨匠Jan Jelinekという名の銀河。
そこに合流するWilliam Basinskiの海。
瞳を閉じて宇宙空間を漂っていると、秒針がカチッカチッと動き出すように、Route 8のメロウなトラック(Quailsの歌声が染みる…)と、Bing & Ruthの原曲からは想像もつかないKhotinによるRemix Workが時を刻み始め、「明日がやってくる」。
Next to the meteors came a galaxy named Jan Jelinek, a master of electronic music.
Joining us there is a sea of William Basinski.
As I drift through space with my eyes closed, the mellow track by Route 8 (stained with the voice of Quails...) and the remix work by Khotin which is hard to imagine from the original Bing & Ruth's song, ticks away like a second hand ticking away. and "Tomorrow Comes Today".
メキシコのサイケデリックデュオLorelle Meets The Obsoleteのギターのトレモロに酔いしれ、69年の米国産のThe Spoils Of Warのアヴァンギャルド・ロックンロールで踊り狂う。
Rick Cuevasが世界の果てから連れてくる鳥たちを眺めながら、XTALの完璧なまでの輝きに引き込まれていく。
Intoxicated by the guitar tremolo of the Mexican psychedelic duo Lorelle Meets The Obsolete, he dances madly at The Spoils Of War's Avant-garde Rock'n'Roll in 1969.
Watch the birds brought by Rick Cuevas from he end of the world and be drawn into the perfect glow of XTAL.
Jordan De La Sierraの甘酸っぱいレモネードを片手に、物語の終わりを感じたところに、思わせぶりなJames Masonのソウルフルなコンガ〜シンセ〜ベース〜ピアノが順番に絡み合っていく。
そして、Theo Parrishを彷彿とさせるHoratio Lunaの深く渋い演奏に、私は強くフィルターをかける。
Dijit's rhythm carrying the wind over the dry deserts of Egypt.
With the sweet and sour lemonade of Jordan De La Sierra in one hand, when I felt the end of the story, James Mason's soulful conga-synth-bass-piano entwined in order.
And I strongly filter Horatio Luna's deep and astringent performance, which is reminiscent of Theo Parrish.
再びLloyd Millerによるインドとヨーロッパの融合ジャズで、いい塩梅に肩の力を抜いたら、ブルックリンのBryce Hackfordのエレガントで趣のある繊細な音の粒のカーテンと遊ぶ。
そしてこちらも再びのJamael Deanで、真っ赤な夕焼けに溶け込んだら、フィナーレ、私の宝物、Alice Coltraneで、終わりの始まり。〜 Fin.
Once again it's Lloyd Miller's Indo-European fusion jazz, and after a relax your shoulders, we play with Brooklyn's Bryce Hackford's elegant, quaint, delicate curtain of sound grains.
And here it is again too with Jamael Dean, blending in with the bright red sunset, and then the FINALE, my treasure Alice Coltrane, the beginning of the end. -fin-
1. Jamael Dean|Akamara (Remix) [Stones Throw Records] 2019
2. (Liv).e|I Been Livin [In Real Life Music Publishing LLC] 2020
3. Charles Ditto|Pop [Passat Continu] 2018
4. Meitei / 冥丁|Oiran II / 花魁 II [Kitchen. Label] 2020
5. Kazumichi Komatsu|Emory [FLAU] 2020
6. Cindy Lee|Heavy Metal [W.25th] 2020
7. Mort Garson|Didn't You Hear? [Sacred Bones Records] 2020(1970)
8. Cause And Effect|You Make Me Feel Brand New [Numero Group] 2019(1988)
9. Tommy Mandel|II. Beta (First of All...) [Invisible City Editions] 2020(1984)
10. Shielding|Timekeeper [Wisdom Teeth] 2020
11. 吐痙唾舐汰伽藍沙箱|あんまり深すぎて [Pony Canyon/URC] 2017(1970)
12. Fairouz|Khaleek Bilbait [Wewantsounds]2020(1987)
13. The Caretaker|All That Follows Is True [History Always Favours The Winners] 2016
14. Kulpowicz & Niemen|Song for Harprit [Polskie Nagrania Muza] 1987
15. Benoit B|Vestigia Flammae (feat. Elen Huynh) [Into The Light Records] 2020
16. Slow Attack Ensemble|Form and F a d e [Second Thoughts Records] 2020
17. Nadah El Shazly|Palmyra [Nawa Recordings] 2017
18. Bill Frisell & Vernon Reid|Landscapes In Alternative History [Rykodisc] 1984
19. Trey Pollard & Roberto Carlos Lange|Fixed Ideas - Open Remix [Spacebomb Records] 2020
20. Juan Hidalgo|L.H.O.O.Q. (Sestetto) [Discos Transgénero] 2018(1977)
21. Dr. Herbert Pichler|Man On The Moon(人類ついに月に立つ〜アポロ11号からのメッセージ) [Philips] 1969
22. Lloyd Milller|Le Grand Bidou [Jazzman] 2019(2009)
23. People Plus|Third Space [Mood Hut] 2019
24. Washington Phillips|Mothers Last Word to Her Son [Death Is Not The End] 2015
25. Jan Jelinek|A Concert For Television [Faitiche] 2020(2006)
26. William Basinski|The Wheel of Fortune [Temporary Residence Limited] 2020
27. Route 8|Tomorrow Comes Today ft. Quails [Lobster Theremin] 2020
28. Bing & Ruth|Badwater Psalm (Khotin Remix) [4AD] 2020
29. Lorelle Meets The Obsolete|El Olivo [Sonic Cathedral Recordings] 2020
30. The Spoils Of War|What Happens Now ~ Now Is Made In America [Wah Wah Records] 2015(1969)
31. Rick Cuevas|The Birds [Not On Label] 1984
32. XTAL|Ma-I-Ya [Cizima] 2020
33. Dijit|Mahragan Elahzan [Youth] 2020
34. Jordan De La Sierra|Nimbu-Pani The Lemon-Water Song [Global Pacific Records] 1988
35. James Mason|I Want Your Love [Rush Hour] 2013(1996)
36. Horatio Luna|Yes Doctor [La Sape Records] 2020
37. Lloyd Milller|Indo-European Improvisations [Jazzman] 2019(2009)
38. Bryce Hackford|After Sun [Spring Theory] 2020
39. Jamael Dean|Kronos [Stones Throw Records] 2019
40. Alice Coltrane|Hare Krishna [Warner Bros. Records] 1977
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